All about Words

文字是構成語言的重要元素之一,其實也是語言學習的重點。在火星文當道的年代,似乎更應該強調對文字的基本 (基礎) 認識。

整整一世紀之前,H.W. Fowler 與 F.G. Fowler 兩兄弟寫了 The King’s English 一書,開宗明義就對用字的選擇有所告誡:

Prefer the familiar word to the far-fetched.
Prefer the concrete word to the abstract.
Prefer the single word to the circumlocution.
Prefer the short word to the long.
Prefer the Saxon word to the Romance.


最近讀了兩本書,都是談文字的,讓我想起前面那些先人的諄諄告誡,於是借用提示這些文字以供參考。這兩本書,一本英文書 Word Origins, An Exploration and History of Words and Language, 另一本則是解說中文字的《漢字的故事》。兩本書都是佳作,均有極為嚴謹的考證依據。有趣的是,兩本書竟有些相似之處;然而,內容談的畢竟分屬東方與西方文 字,自然還是會有相異之處。另有一點最大的差別是,談論漢字的以甲骨文、金文為本。講解英文字的以字根字源的觀點為開端,進行深挖廣掘。

Word Origins 一書寫成於一九五○年,作者 Wilfred Funk 特別強調考證之準確,寧可捨棄不確定的資料而不濫竽充數。歷經半個世紀,這樣一本書依然非常受到重視。探討中文字的《漢字的故事》不是華人的著作,反而由 瑞典漢學家林西莉女士寫成,再由李之義先生從瑞典文翻譯成中文。中國古老的文化遺產竟然這樣繞了一圈才得以再發揚光大。




換成 Word Origins 的說法,對於文字,有這麼兩段話:

Every word was once a poem. Each began as a picture. Our language is made up of terms that were all originally figures of speech.
Sometimes the pictures can be rediscovered and restored so that their beauty will once more be seen. At other times the attrition of the ages has worn the images away and obliterated them so that no trace is left.


Word Origins 有一章是 Where Animal Names Came From,裡頭一段話有點繞口令的味道,不過卻反映出迥異於中文的文字思考邏輯:

We speak, for instance, of the calf of a cow. But the calf of a horse is a foal; the foal of a bear is a cub; the cub of a beaver is a kitten; the kitten of a deer is a fawn; the fawn of a sheep is a lamb; the lamb of a dog is a pup; the pup of a goat is a kid; the kid of a wolf is a whelp; and the whelp of a kangaroo is, of all things, a joey.


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