

There are many variations of the phrase “My heart was doing backflips” that play on the notion of the heart performing some kind of physical movement during times of nervousness or excitement. Here are some other examples:

By the light of the moon, I could barely make out the wriggling tail of a possum as it scampered into the brush. My heart leaped. – Christian Science Monitor, 1/26/05

My heart flipped as I put my sunglasses back on, not really wanting people to know I was getting teary-eyed over something so silly. – Austin American-Statesman, 7/30/01

My heart did backflips with the possibility that my alma mater’s basketball program might regain some sense of national prominence. – Chicago Tribune, 6/30/02

That’s when I heard the sound — the sound of a tank right behind me. I turned around and when I saw it, my heart jumped. – Santa Fe New Mexican, 7/15/02

Due to space constraints, the dictionary does not usually enter longer idiomatic phrases such as “my heart was doing backflips,” so it is unlikely that we will be adding this phrase to the dictionary any time soon. At this time there are no plans to produce a dictionary devoted exclusively to idioms.

我必須感謝這位編輯,提供更多的用例,佐證了原先的說法。大致來說,我可以接受前一封信他對於這個詞的解釋了。但是最後一段提到這個詞不太可能收錄 在 MW 的辭典中,是因為太長的關係,這我就不能接受了。畢竟前面提過的 have butterflies in ones stomach 不也是很長嗎?

好吧,這個 collocation 我就不再追究。回頭看看中譯本的翻譯,「心臟居然樂得表演後空翻」。是非優劣我留給看倌自己評判了。

同樣這本書裡,將 brute force attack 的解密法翻譯成「蠻力解密」似乎有點說的不是「行話」。一般專業上,這個解密法都說成「暴力破解法」。翻譯最怕遇到這種問題,用自己的語言來翻譯,其實意 思上並沒有不對。只是,專業上有特定的說法,這方面只能要求譯者多留意。


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9 Responses to 心臟、蝴蝶、後空翻

  1. Your reader says:

    his heart was doing backflips
    This might work.

  2. C.J. Hung says:

    how about,
    心跳快了一拍 ^^
    juding by the context

  3. Fierykitten says:


  4. Your reader says:

    More possibilities:
    小鹿亂撞、快一拍,離原文 backflips 有比較大的差別。

  5. ant says:

    “The phrase is often used to describe someone who is in love with or attracted to another person”显然不确切。这个词组可以用在很多场合。楼主google一下就能搜到。而且该编辑提供的例子里就明显有别的场合的用法。

  6. George Chen says:



  7. Olympian says:

    doing backflips有其背後的文化與社會情境. 年輕人, 小孩子遇到興奮大事, 會高興地表演這類特技, 前翻, 側翻, 後翻等等, 就像我們高興起來會大喊萬歲! 年紀大些自然不會這麼按捺不住, 而且也做不動.

    所以這裡有雙重意義, 他的heart在做年輕人才有的手舞足蹈動作, 不僅flips, 而且是backflips, 反常之激動, 可想而知!

    順便想請教版主, 您致該社信件第一段最後一句, 以及第二段全段, 均以過去式表示, 包括您的wondering在內, 不知有否任何特殊用意?

  8. C.J. says:

    Just finised Da Vinci Code, outstanding thriller…and I am fully convinced
    Mr. Brown can’t wirte…….
    God help us…

  9. Passer-by says:

    偶然逛到這個部落格,在此提出我另類看法供大家參考,冒犯之處望版主見諒。我倒認為最原始的譯文「心臟居然樂得表演後空翻」有其優點,這是異化策略,也最能呈現源文的樣貌,也許乍看之下讓漢文讀者不太習慣,卻可能為漢文用法注入新意,這其實也是西方最初支持翻譯的目的:借鏡他者以充實自身的語言與文化。再者,當這句源文被譯成諸如「心頭小鹿亂撞」或「心思飛騰」之類讓漢文讀者習以為常的歸化用語時,讀者還會意識到源文「doing backflips」的趣味跟特殊嗎?恐怕也就不會有這麼一篇大家共襄盛舉參與討論的部落格好文了吧…

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